Thursday, July 4, 2013

Coming Out To A Horrible Parent

Parents out there, take note of what this mother says to her son in the above link to her transcript. When this mother QUESTIONS what her son tells her about himself and his discovery that he is gay, that is a danger point in this conversation. And when the mother injects GOD into the conversation -- the imaginary spirit from the mythology in a 2000 year old book -- into the moment where the son is pouring his everything emotional into his mother’s lap… you might breech a Rubicon of life, or death, for the child.

To inject religious guilt into the mind of your gay child, when he or she is coming out to you, might be the impetuous for you to walk into your child’s bedroom the next morning and discover him, or her, hanging from the light fixture with a rope around his, or her, neck because YOU, the dumb-ass parent, decided to be an insensitive bitch and guilt your child into suicide by injecting toxic religion into your child‘s mind!

What a selfish bitch! Bringing up what she, the mother, thinks about religion is the height of self-absorbed derision. The child wanted to talk about his sexuality -- not religion, stupid! What kind of mother is this woman?

What a nasty title to this bitches  article -- “Linda Robertson Just Because He Breaths Learning To Truly Love Our Gay Son.” What the hell? You mean, you did not already love your son?

Or, did you drop your love for your son when you learned he was gay? Either way… what a friggin’ bitch!

Parents… this article is horrible! Do not emulate anything you read in Linda Robertson’s article. If your child comes out to you… support him, or her, period! If you start you new relationship paradigm with your gay child by shaming him, or her, you might cause your child to KILL HIMSELF, or HERSELF! Don’t screw around with this notion, parents… children, very young children, are killing themselves around the world on a daily basis because their PARENTS are the first people to guilt them with shame after they come out.

You are a horrible parent, and human being, if you choose to NOT offer TOTAL support to your child… without question.

Then, later down the road of life, if you cannot help yourself and you have to mention religion to your child… at least give the new relationship you are now fostering with your child 6 months before you start the guilt trip. Make your bond strong before you start talking religion. Even if the child wants to talk religion… wait 6 months. Support your child and wait!

This is the advice you should take, parents… not the insensitive nastiness from this insensitive bitch with her focus on her cracked-out religious beliefs!


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